Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown

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Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown

Manhattan Sports Medicine is a group of physicians, chiropractors, and therapists dedicated to helping New Yorkers lead physically dynamic lives, free from pain. Whether you are a top-performing athlete or an individual seeking a more active, pain-free lifestyle, our Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown comes to your aid with decades of expertise in various methodologies.

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New York, NY 10018

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What is a Floating Shoulder?

A floating shoulder injury comes with near catastrophic levels of neurovascular damage. This unique injury pattern often requires a multi-disciplinary team of orthopedic, vascular, and trauma surgeons to treat properly. So what exactly is a floating shoulder? A floating shoulder occurs when a break in the clavicle and upper part of the scapula pulls the shoulder out of place and makes it appear floating. The experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group, a Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown, lay out all the information you need to know about a floating shoulder here: 

Potential Causes of a Floating Shoulder Injury:Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown

These injuries are the result of some traumatic event. Any event that places the shoulder joint under immense pressure and force can cause this injury. The most common causes are motor vehicle or motorbike accidents. Positioning the arm at the time of contact influences the likelihood of this injury. The arm positioning of someone driving a car or bike leaves it susceptible to this injury in a crash.

 How a Floating Shoulder Injury is Treated:

The bone breaks associated with the injury will require surgery to repair. The clavicle is usually repaired with the use of plates and screws. The scapula may also be fixed the way. Post-surgery, the arm may be placed in a sling to limit movement and stimulate healing for an assigned period. The damage done to the neurovascular system within the shoulder for someone dealing with this injury is a more complicated fix. Depending on the extent of damage done, a team of orthopedic, vascular, and trauma surgeons will need to perform surgery together to coordinate and manage the compounding complications. In extreme cases, arm amputation at the shoulder may be required.    

 Contact MSM For A Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown!

For an injury as traumatic and complex as a floating shoulder. You need the best of the best to help you in your recovery process! Our doctors are experts in shoulder anatomy and are prepared for the complexity of these kinds of injuries. Contact our experts at Manhattan Sports Medicine and Wellness Group, a Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown , for your floating shoulder treatment today!

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    Causes of Shoulder Pain

    The shoulder is a common point of pain, especially in athletes. There are many reasons why an athlete would experience shoulder pain, and it’s important to know the proper diagnosis and treatment for each type to prevent further injury and loss in flexibility and strength in the area. Look no further than Manhattan Sports Wellness a Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown today!

    Causes of Shoulder InjuriesShoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown

    Shoulder injuries can be classified into three categories: traumatic, overuse, and inflammatory.

    1. Traumatic – shoulder injuries can range from anything like dislocations or fractures to muscle strains in the deltoid, biceps, tricep, rotator cuff, or back of the shoulder joint. The most common traumatic injury is a rotator cuff tear. This is often caused by repetitive strain of an unbalanced shoulder muscle. Resulting in a more serious tear of the muscle and eventually bone. If the rotator cuff is torn completely, it will require extensive surgery to repair and may end that person’s career as an athlete.
    2. Overuse – can also be caused by not warming up and doing movements the body is not ready for. This results in microscopic tearing of tissue that causes inflammation and pain. If it becomes serious enough, surgery may be required to free the shoulder joint from surrounding scar tissue formation.
    3. Inflammatory – shoulder injuries are much less common than the two prior types of injuries. Inflammatory shoulder problems arise due to an infection or inflammation in the tissue surrounding the shoulder joint. This inflammatory process can cause pain, redness, heat, swelling, and loss of function. 

    Shoulder pain can also be attributed to conditions such as nerve impingements or pinched nerves. If the shoulder is not moving properly, this can also cause pain, loss of range of motion and function, and muscle atrophy. General symptoms of these injuries are similar, but it is important to know the difference between them so proper treatment may be administered. However, it is equally important to know if an injury is more serious than the usual overuse or trauma.

    Manhattan Sports Medicine – Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown

    In conclusion, there are many reasons why an athlete may experience shoulder pain. It’s important to know the proper diagnosis and treatment for each type to prevent further injury and loss of flexibility and strength in the area. Please visit Manhattan Sports Wellness a Shoulder Pain Doctor in Midtown to learn more about shoulder pain!

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